The Gateway Training Academy was developed in 2019 to strengthen our community by equipping workers with the necessary skills to adapt to change. Our diverse training opportunities boost confidence, enhance problem-solving abilities, and increase job satisfaction. Additionally, we focus on personal development, improving mental well-being, and streamlining workflows for greater efficiency. By promoting lifelong learning through our various educational partners, we aim to help build a culture that benefits employees and businesses, driving the overall success of our community's workforce. ​
9 Businesses Who Received Grant Funding
11 Training Consultations
12 Businesses Trained
47 Training Classes
703 Investor Employees Trained
$302,740 Saved Through Funding

Trainings Available
**Gateway investment dollars are generally not used for training costs; typically, grant funds cover those expenses
Here is a list the most popular trainings, but reach out to our workforce team to learn about additional opportunities!​​
Gateway to Great Customer Service
Lean Leadership Bootcamp
Lean for Hospitality
Mental Health First Aid
Flawless Delivery
Leadership Skills Training
Skill for Success
A Note From Our Partners
Char Haber, owner of Wolf Bay Restaurants, shares how training has helped her business grow and thrive during a challenging time.
Tyler Morgan, one of Gateway's team members, discusses how different training programs have influenced our investor businesses.
Matt Pugh from Cosmos Restaurant Group talks about how Auburn's ATAC Training has positively impacted his business, benefitting both employees and his customers.