The South Alabama Workforce Development Council (SAWDC) is hosting their quarterly wowkforce summit, this time focusing on Retention And Recruitment Excellence! Now more than ever, we face challenges in recruiting and retaining talent within our
organizations. As a result, we need to evaluate our current processes and how we attract and keep the talent needed to be competitive in today’s markets. Come prepared to have fun, stretch your thinking, and engage with leaders across industries and sectors to:
Shake It Up: Challenge your thinking and recruiting and retention approaches. Start asking different questions and uncover your leadership and organizational blind spots.
Create a Path Forward: Discover and explore new ways to think about your organization's culture and ecosystem. Chart a new path and take bold steps forward.
June 27, 2023
Bishop State Community College
Center for Advanced Manufacturing
8:15 am - Breakfast & Networking
9:00 am -12 pm - Program
Cost: $35 per person
Click HERE to Register!