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Staffing Opportunities Available to Employers

A major program of work for the Gateway Initiative is to seek out resources that will provide new job candidates for our businesses. Over the past several weeks, the Gateway team has been in meetings with the Alabama Department of Rehabilitation Services to get a firm grasp on how their Business Relations Program (BRP) can benefit employers and how we can make these resources easy to access.

The BRP provides customized, no-cost services for businesses intended to:

  • Reduce Costs and time to recruit, train, and screen new employees.

  • Reduce Turnover by matching job requirements with applicant skills.

  • Increase Cash Flow through wage reimbursement, pre-hire “try-outs” and other financial incentives

Representatives from the Business Relations Program will be on hand to present at the next Gateway partnership meeting with the Alabama Restaurant & Hospitality Association at 3:30 PM on October 10th at Magnolia Hall in Cosmos Courtyard.


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